Senin, 05 September 2011

New WinRar 4.01 32-Bit full version 2011

. Senin, 05 September 2011

Sudah pada tahu tentang fungsi software yang satu ini apa belum? Buat yang belum tahu apa itu Winrar yaitu sebuah tool yang berfungsi untuk membuka file yang berintorasi atau belakangnya terdapat tulisan .rar (dot rar) atau .zip (dot zip) dll. dengan program ini sebuah file yang di kompres atau yang di kasih password dapat dibuka dengan mudah.

Sekarang kita kembali ke topik. Barusan saya berkunjung di situs resminya Winrar di ternyata winrar mengeluarkan versi terbarunya kembali yaitu winrar versi 4.01. Karena dari situs resminya software ini merupakan software berbayar atau versi demonya 40 hari, untuk itu saya akan mencoba share yang gratis saja, hehehe...

About WinRar Version 4.01 :

1. Added support for file sizes stored in binary format in TAR archives.
   Some TAR archives use the binary size format instead of octal
   for files larger than 8 GB.
2. Bugs fixed:

   a) "Repair" command failed to properly reconstruct structure
      of RAR archives, which contained at least one file with packed
      size exceeding 4 GB.

      This bug did not affect the recovery record based repair.
      It happened only if recovery record was not found and WinRAR
      performed reconstruction of archive structure;

   b) even if "Do not extract paths" option in "Advanced" part of
      extraction dialog was set as the default, WinRAR still unpacked
      file paths if called from Explorer context menu;

   c) after entering a wrong password for encrypted ZIP archive,
      sometimes WinRAR ignored subsequent attempts to enter a valid

   d) "Wizard" command did not allow to create self-extracting 
      and multivolume archives, when compressing a single folder
      or a file without extension;

   e) "Import settings from file" command did not restore multiline
      comments in WinRAR compression profiles;

   f) when converting RAR volumes having name1.name2.part#.rar name format,
      "Convert archives" command erroneously removed ".name2" name part.
      So resulting archive had name1.rar file name instead of expected

   g) RAR could crash when creating a new archive with -agNNN switch
      if archive number in generated name was 110 or larger;

   h) WinRAR failed to display non-English file names in 7-Zip archives
      properly if they used a non-default code page. It was the display
      only problem, such names were unpacked correctly.

Password :

>> Download Jamu Winrar cap Luph-Aplikasi
>> Download WinRar 4.01 32-bit 2011

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